Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Get Rich Quick Gospel?

I am going do some stirring up with this blog, but it is one of those areas where many churches are way off balance.  I'm going to address the prosperity gospel.

I think the one key word I used was balance.  We can get out of balance in any area and make a doctrine out of scriptures that we pick and choose, without studying them in light of what the writer was saying and the culture he was addressing.  I can take any scripture out of context and go crazy with it.  Just because I use scripture doesn't mean what I am teaching is correct.

I have been in churches that teach that no Christian should be poor.  I have been taught that Jesus was rich because He supported a ministry and a ministry team.  I am not going to debate this, but the Bible does not teach that He was rich.  In fact, He left the riches of Heaven to come to earth so that He could represent all of us.  He didn't wear His crown while on earth.

I do know that Jesus taught about selling what you have and following Him.  I believe He was addressing holding our possessions in higher regard than Him.

I have heard the scripture taught, "Give and it shall be given unto, good measure, shaken together, and running over".  Do I believe this?  Yes.  I do believe that is we give, we do receive a blessing.  I don't believe it is always monetary.  I am blessed by giving food to a hungry person. I receive the satisfaction that I have done what God's Word says and I receive the blessing of seeing that person walk away, with a smile or even tears in their eyes of gratitude. And, I am blessed monetarily when I give, but that is not to make me rich. That is so I can give more!

I have a hard time preaching the prosperity message to people I encounter who struggle each day for everything they have.  Many of them don't have enough food to feed their families.  They live in poverty and don't have cars or any type of electronic gadgets.  Many don't have electricity.  Do I walk in their tiny, hot church and preach that it's God's will for them to be rich?  That would be a slap in their faces.  They are serving God, giving what they have, but because of where they live, they don't have the opportunity to have more.  They are not in sin, they were simply born in the wrong place for prosperity.

To these people the good news is not, "you can be rich", but that Jesus loves them right where they are.  He knows where they are and He loves them.  He wants to meet their needs and bless them.  A blessing would be to not have to worry about feeding their children.  Yes, I can preach this!  And more than preach, I can take food to them and show them God's love by being His hands and feet.

I was sickened the other morning when I turned on a station where a well known Preacher was asking all of the audience to "sow" thousands of dollars to his ministry.  I mean thousands!  He read testimonies of people who gave their last dime to him and suddenly their houses were paid off and student loans were cancelled.  I am sorry, but I don't believe that.  Do I think God could do that?  Of course!  Do I think God would do that for "sowing" into a ministry is based on "give to me" and God will give to you?  Give me a break!

 Instead of sending your money to this ministry, sow it where you know people will be helped.  Proverbs 19:17 says "when you help the poor you are lending to the Lord - and He pays wonderful interest on your loan".

My point is, our giving should not be based on what we are going to receive in return.  Our giving should be based on obedience to God and what we can do for His children.  Jesus said, "When you do it unto the least of these, my brothers, you do it unto me".  When we give, we are giving to Jesus.

To sum it up.  No, I don't believe Christians should be poor, but I believe some are, and that doesn't mean they are not blessed.  Blessings are not about money.  I am blessed to live in the United States, to have a Godly husband and healthy children who serve the Lord.  I am blessed to able to serve God as a missionary.  Do I have a lot of money?  Not in the eyes of the world.  Am I rich?  You bet I am!

Missions will spoil you for the things of the world.  I encounter people with nothing who love God and praise Him with all of their hearts.  They are poor by the worlds standards, but I believe Jesus looks at them as having far more riches than the richest person in the world.  Their riches are stored up for them.

If you have thousands of dollars to "sow", make sure your investment is solid and not a "bless me" scheme.  Research ministries who are truly nonprofit, who help others.  Your return will be eternal!!

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